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Category Archives: SEO

The Google Panda Algorithm Update Taking Aim at Low Quality Websites

The Google Panda Update and What it Means for SEO Specialists In a significant shift in its algorithm for search, Google rolled out an important update known as the Panda update last month. With the primary aim of penalizing "low-quality" or "thin" websites in search engine results, Panda's introduction ensures a greater prominence for high-quality…
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Surf’s Up! SEO with a Splash of Awesomeness for Surf Schools

Elevate Your Surf School with Expert SEO Services Attention Surf School Owners and Managers: In the dynamic digital landscape, a robust online presence is essential for attracting aspiring surfers to your school. With the majority of potential students turning to the internet to find the best surf instruction, it's crucial that your surf school stands…
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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the indicators that my site needs SEO services? Generally speaking, if your website is not leading to more sales and conversions, then there is possibly something that is not being done correctly. Most likely you are not getting enough traffic. Your website may not even be indexed and if it is, then it…
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